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Personal Training

The quickest way to a better YOU is through individualized programming designed to meet your specific goals! With our personal training program, our commitment to you is that we will develop a unique program specific to your needs, goals, and fitness level. â€‹Plans can be tailored to work on: aerobic capacity, strength-training, gymnastics, weight loss, Olympic lifting, or specific skill sessions. 






Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates -  A 50 minute class of low-impact exercises combined with small and controlled movements that will leave you feeling toned, strengthened and lengthened on your mat. Sequences that are led by Stacy Medina, a qualified Pilates instructor, allow you to feel that deep burn while using bodyweight movements.

4-week Pilates session 7/9-8/1 at 8am (classes on 7/23 and 7/25 start at 7am)

6-week session 8/20-9/26 at 8:45am


Strength & Conditioning

Our signature class & the one you’ll see the most on the schedule. Train is designed to elevate your strength and endurance. This 60-minute class is comprised of a trainer-led functional strength piece followed by a high intensity workout. Expect a blend of compound lifts, free weights, and aerobic training. Whether beginner, intermediate, or advanced, modifications make this class suitable for all levels.



Our Sweat class incorporates a combination of conditioning and functional movements targeted to enhance your overall cardiovascular work capacity. Using our Concept2 ski, row and bike erg, body weight movements and light weights.

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